Elenco Lavorazioni
Polyurethane Foam
Polietilene espanso
Gomma espansa
Pvc espanso
Silicone espanso
Melammina espansa
Altri espansi
Gomma compatta
Silicone compatto
PVC calandrato
Materie plastiche flessibili
Altri compatti
Tessuto non tessuto
Nastri a strappo
Profilati estrusi

The activity of C.F. ITALIA started by converting just polyurethane foam. Today, we convert and sell some hundreds materials, and surely we are not going to limit ourselves to them!
The reason for this development is in the will of solving the various technical/practical issues of our clients.
These different materials derive from their different uses: generally speaking, we can say that foams are ideal when a soft material is needed, whereas solid materials are used for works bearing heavy compression loads and where is not required a high conformability to the other surfaces in contact.
Additionally, the choice may vary among open or closed cells materials ( thus sealant or not ), resistant or not to flame, to high or low temperatures and to various chemical/physical agents.
In this “jungle” of products is extremely important to move aside a skilled partner: C.F. ITALIA srl.

Choose from the left menu one category of  materials/treatments for more details

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C.F. Italia s.r.l.  via Cavallo, 18 - 10078 Venaria R. (TO) - Tel: 011.4593506  Fax: 011.4593459 - P.Iva 04577710017